
Brain and Body Reboot Mindset Program

Welcome to the Mindset part of the Brain and Body Reboot program. During this program I will be giving you daily videos and tasks for you to watch and undertake as you go through the program.

It is very intensive and will probably make you think in a very different way about your overeating and emotional eating. However, it will give you some practical and psychological tips to help you help your emotional eating forever.


The most important thing is that you stick to the food plan and watch the videos. If you have time to do the tasks then that is great. You can either fill the tasks in your daily plan booklet or you can do them and post them to the Facebook group, if you would like some feedback from myself and others.

Today you will find the introduction video from me (if you have not already watched it) and also Steph explaining to you about the program and the day one food plan.

Day One – Today your only task is to take the quiz below. Find out your score out of 13 at the top of sections A, B and C and then introduce yourself and post your results on the group if you wish.  Please ensure that you enter #task1 before your post please.



Download your daily checklist and food plan by clicking the image below:

TASK 1 - What type of emotional eater are you?